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Flat in Turkey – main features, pricing and other factors
There are many countries in the world where it is possible to buy various kinds of residential property profitably. The thing is specifically about accommodation, having invested in which a person will definitely get profit. Turkey is among those countries where it is profitable to invest in flats. And the point here is that the travel season in the country lasts from May to October – while the days are still relatively warm, and there is good weather. Also, all the necessary infrastructure is well built for travellers here.
Because of this, the question of how much a flat in Turkey is, remains always relevant. There have always been enough developers here, as the property market continues to grow all the time. Therefore, there are also many investors in the country – including those from Ukraine. They are trying to buy a flat in Turkey at the most attractive prices, so that then could recoup it in a short time. It is not so difficult, but some points should be taken into account. And it is not only about the cost, but also some others.
Buy a flat in Turkey favourably: the main offers on the country’s market
The main housing options from the developer will be found on the relevant websites. Still, there are some things you need to know in advance. In order to buy a flat in Turkey favourably, you need to take into account these points:
- Distance from the sea. It is more favourable to buy a flat on the coast because there will be more tourists there. The price in this case plays an important role (the closer to the sea – the higher it is), but the cost of renting the flat will be corresponding.
- Location. Usually the larger the town, the higher the price. It is easy to check this on the relevant websites by comparing the same Antalya with Alanya in Turkey and with the cost of flats in some small settlements on islands in the Aegean Sea.
- The condition of the apartment complex in which the flat is located. Here you need to be extremely careful. It is not necessary to buy new housing. And the reason for this is simple: a flat in Turkey, which at the time of purchase will be ten years old, will have a much lower cost than a new analogue. But there is a pitfall here: the state of the apartment complex. In Turkey they are different, and therefore it is important not to make a mistake. It is better to overpay a little and buy a flat in an adequate (even if not new) building than in one that is at risk of collapse at any moment, although the price there will be much lower. Safety is not something to be trifled with.
- It is necessary to understand how many people are expected to be accommodated at the same time. A flat in Turkey can have one, two or three rooms. And the larger it is, the higher price it has. On the sites various proposals are presented, but look at them with special care, so as not to buy what you don’t need in fact. After all, prices vary greatly.
- Buying a flat in Turkey is often favourable near a public transport stop. It is especially good when the infrastructure is still visible. That is, we are talking about tram, trolleybus (there are only two systems in Turkey: in the cities of Malatya and Şanlıurfa) and metro. It’s better this way, and there are several reasons for that. The main reason is that if you buy a flat in Turkey near a public transport route, it will be easier for tourists to get there. And also – to get from there to various sights and to the sea.
There are plenty of offers on the property market. You can buy a flat in Turkey, or you can buy apartments (which are not the same thing as flats) and other types of accommodation. It is only important to know on which sites to look for it all. And there are sales everywhere in the country.
Cost of a flat in Turkey – prices in some cities
There are plenty of such moments, and some of them have already been described. The simplest rule is that a one-room property (flat, apartments or something else) will always and everywhere be cheaper. The cost of a flat in Turkey depends a lot on the city. This is not the main factor affecting this case, but it is far from the last one. If you compare the cost by city, you will get the following result:
- Istanbul. The largest settlement in Turkey, which is divided into two halves by the Bosphorus Strait and is both in Europe and Asia. The cost of flats and apartments here is on average from 75 to 125 thousand euros. In dollars it turns out approximately to be like this: 80400 – 134000. This is still a relatively small cost as for such a huge city with a population of about 10 million people. Apartments will cost a little cheaper. But they are being sold just as actively.
- Antalya. One of the most popular resorts not only on the Mediterranean coast, but also in general in the whole of Turkey. It is home to almost one and a half million people, it has an international airport, a tram line, a wide network of bus routes that cover not only the city itself, but also the suburbs. There is also a well-developed tourist infrastructure. And the property market here is well developed. There are enough flats and apartments for any choice. And a cost here will be approximately as follows: 50000 – 200000 euros. In dollars: 53600 – 214500. For such a city this is a decent range – there is where to turn around. Both flats and apartments in this city of Turkey are qualitatively built, and you can safely buy them. At the same time, apartments here will also be cheaper.
- Alanya. The second most popular resort town in Turkey, but smaller. The population here is only 364000 people. It is also located on the Mediterranean Sea. Here you can buy a flat and apartments in this price range: 80000 – 90000 euros. Having converted these sums into dollars, it comes out like this: 86-96,5 thousand. And again: apartments will be cheaper, but only slightly so.
- Kusadasi. This is already the coast of the Aegean Sea in Turkey. There are a little more than a hundred thousand inhabitants in this city. For lovers of silence buying a flat or apartments here is a favourable decision. You can buy them for 15000 – 1850000 euros (about 16000 – 2000000 dollars). There is housing for sale for every taste and budget.
You can read more about pricing on the relevant websites. If all is done correctly, the purchase will be favourable.
Important points to consider when an investor wants to buy a flat in Turkey
Property sales in Turkey are going up. The process of buying a home in this country is not easy, but it is not as complicated as it seems. On the relevant online platforms you can find out how much a particular property costs and decide whether it is suitable. And then, if everything is fine, – buy it. One-bedroom flats are among the most popular: you can live here both alone and with a family.
When the client has chosen the right property, the purchase is formalised. A person transfers the necessary amount to the old owner or developer, and then with the help of lawyers, a package of documents is drawn up. Which ones are necessary – will prompt those people who are constantly engaged in this case. It is important to understand that if a person decides to buy a flat in Turkey, the service will be carried out mainly in the banks of this country. And it costs a little more than in other banks in the world.
Another important point is taxes. There is a certain list of them, and they will have to be paid by those who want to buy a flat in Turkey. The sums are relatively small, but you need to be prepared for them. With a yield of 5-12% per annum and a payback period of 10-20 years, you can turn a blind eye to all this. The investment will be fully covered by the tourists to whom the new owner will rent out the accommodation.