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Real estate in Alanya by the Sea
Real estate by the sea in Alanya is very popular. Pleasant climate, a clean Mediterranean coast, well-developed infrastructure around: all this together gives the desired effect and continues to attract crowds of tourists every year.
If you’ve always wanted to buy an apartment in Alanya with a sea view, Turkey Property Group offers the best options for you, taking into account individual wishes and allocated budget. All you need to do is to leave an application in electronic form and discuss the details with the manager.
Apartments by the sea and why they are worthy of attention
Real estate overlooking the sea remains one of the most popular among tourists of all ages. It is convenient and beautiful. For such a luxury people are willing to pay double the price, and therefore apartments by the sea are often purchased for rent and subsequently become a good source of income for many entrepreneurs.
Buy an apartment by the sea in Alanya for several reasons.
- Real estate overlooking the sea will never lose relevance. Moreover, in Turkey, it is popular all year round.
- Warm, sunny climate is a guarantee of quality recreation. Ideal accommodation on vacation and on a permanent basis – overlooking the sea.
- Developed infrastructure, the availability of educational and entertainment centers around makes apartments by the sea with a gorgeous view not only a pleasant place for recreation, but also for permanent residence for the whole family.
Note that apartments by the sea in Alanya are relatively inexpensive, and therefore may be available to everyone who wants to earn money on them or to settle in Turkey for permanent residence.

Apartments by the sea in Alanya: cost and other features
Apartments with a sea view can cost differently. The final price may be influenced by a large number of factors. In particular:
- Location relative to the sea (the first line is always more expensive);
- The area of the property;
- Prestige area of the city.
Especially the last factor, that is, the districts of the city, affects the price. They are all different, but in each there is housing by the sea with stunning views.
For example, the easiest and most popular option for people from the CIS is Mahmutlar. It is quite budget in all directions: you can buy an inexpensive house with a view of the sea. Including a good square footage. At the same time you will not feel like a stranger in Turkey: there are many Russian-speaking residents.
Also for the Russian-speaking people an ideal option would be an area Kestel. Here is a Russian-speaking school and university. Prices for housing is quite affordable, including inexpensive and the first line.
No less popular are the areas of Oba and Damlataş. However, real estate by the sea and with a view of it here will cost much more: the area elite, with a dense construction and terrific infrastructure. If you want to enjoy the ecologically clean beaches, we recommend paying attention to apartments overlooking the sea in more remote areas – Demirtash, Kargicak.
Apartments by the sea for rent
If you are planning to buy an apartment by the sea for rent, it is worth considering the popularity of the area where it will be located among tourists. Thus, not always a beautiful view and a picturesque coast become a guarantee of relevance of the accommodation: many people come to the city for the parties and entertainment, staying in the central areas.
The most popular option for recreation by the sea remains Oba district and the central part of the city. Apartments here are quite expensive, but in the season they are the first to be sold by tenants.
No less popular facilities by the sea with a beautiful view are in Mahmutlar: here housing is much more budget and profitable. In maintenance, including.
It should be noted that the cost of resort real estate is growing rapidly, so now you can buy a house near the sea with a stunning view, and after a few years to put it on sale and thus gain a lot of money.
If you still have questions about apartments by the sea, call us or leave your contact information in the feedback form on the website. A manager of Turkey Property Group will give you all the latest information and professional advice.
We are glad to be of service to you.