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10. 4. 2023

Some unusual places you should visit in Turkey at least once

There are several unusual objects in the world that a traveler should visit at least once 🌎

One of them is located in Turkey, and it looks more like the surface of an unexplored planet than a habitable corner of the earth. This is Cappadocia, whose balloons allow you to contemplate the uniqueness of its intricate landscapes from large-scale angles 🎈

Takeoff occurs simultaneously with the rise of the first rays of the sun. As a rule, the flight route is identical for everyone.

The starting point is the area between the village of Gereme and the village of Chavushyn. The ship sails over valleys with quaint rock statues, apricot orchards and village houses, from where you are greeted by locals.

Following the route, the balloon changes its height several times, sometimes dropping to the level of the roofs of houses, sometimes rising to a distance of 1000 meters ⤴️

The average price tag for such an excursion is 130 – 150 € per person 💸

Автор Semyon Tereshchenko

Real Estate Expert

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