Profitable purchase of townhouses
in Bektash


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        We offer help in finding property in Turkey
        Done: 1 from 7
        Have you decided in which city in Turkey you are planning to buy real estate?
        Select one or more
        Done: 1 from 7

        We offer help in finding property in Turkey
        Done: 2 from 7
        Purpose of buying the property
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        Done: 2 from 7

        We offer help in finding property in Turkey
        Done: 3 from 7
        What price range of the property are you considering?
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        Done: 3 from 7

        We offer help in finding property in Turkey
        Done: 4 из 7
        Which layout option are you interested in?
        Choose one or more
        Done: 4 из 7

        We offer help in finding property in Turkey
        Done: 5 from 7
        Proximity to the sea:
        Choose one or more
        Done: 5 from 7

        We offer help in finding property in Turkey
        Done: 6 from 7
        How soon do you plan to buy property:
        Choose one or more
        Done: 6 from 7

        We offer help in finding property in Turkey
        Great! One last step to go
        Fill out the form to get a personalized selection
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